Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Question about publicity?

Hi - here's a question - should we 'announce' this blog at Underacademy or in general or not at all? Others might come in and comment; if the comments turn to spam we can  (I think?) set permissions so that the blog is readable but closed. I'm not sure about this...

Let me know what you think and thanks! There's a fair amount of writing up at the moment; I'm finding your responses really of interest of course!

- Alan, learning a lot


  1. Hi - I'm away from home, in Bristol at ELMCIP Digital Text in/with Performance seminar/event, so only have sporadic access to internet. Lots of comments still to add in various places - will add when I can. Really enjoying the discussion!

    To answer your question, I'm happy for this blog to be announced at UnderAcademy. If we get spam, I think we can probably set comments to registered users only.


  2. I honestly am the worst possible person to comment on how spam might or might not perform! sorry! no technical know how at all...I do think however, that if we open it up to more folks the conversations will get bigger. more unruly. we should just consider if we want that? I support either way.

  3. Hi, maybe keep it small at the moment. For everyone's information I had dental surgery today and so am not quite together at the moment but I'll try to reply! A bit too much codeine...

    I can try tomorrow to see if I can make it a read-only blog for others. -

    Thanks, Alan
