Thursday, May 3, 2012

Opening the blog part 2

Hi - so I made it that only members of this blog can post comments - but I think we could now open it up to anyone reading it, if it's ok with you. Please let me know and thanks! - Alan


  1. me too - I'll wait to hear from Christine. we could also open up comments and close them if spam starts to come in. we're in the midst of a conversation here among us, and someone from the outside surely wouldn't have the patience and for that matter would have to read the blog from the end (earlier posts) onward.. so maybe we should keep the comments closed.

    - Alan, still recovering a bit from the dental surgery -

  2. So I gave the url of the blog on Facebook to the UnderAcademy page. Hope this is ok.

    Also need to hear from Verify and mike and hope Christine you can post something?

    Thanks Alan

  3. Hi, I'm back at home now. This all sounds good to me. Thanks.
    (Well, apart from your dental surgery, Alan. Hope you're feeling better.)

  4. Feeling fine now. You should read, if you've got the time, the exchange between j/j hastain and myself; I think we're missing each other's direction. Please jump in and thanks!
