Monday, April 30, 2012

I am more  like her (avatar) than she is like me. Someone   came up to say my mic was feeding back.


  1. how like or unlike? I certainly project myself into my avatars (which no one else would experience or see, this projection), but everything that's occurring is occurring in me - the avatar becomes almost something on a digital dissection table...

  2. do you really feel that you are that entirely separate from your avatar? meaning, you feel positive that "everything that's occurring is occurring in [you]," but don't you wonder, if the avatar that "is occurring in [you]" is just you? you do not think that there are separable attributes? this is so interesting to me...

  3. for me the avatar is an image or imaginary (in Lacan's sense); it's an objet petit a; it's uncanny. but it exists only as a process and a programmed process/database at that; it has no independent existence. what does happen, though, is always a sense of surprise; I can program hir (I have two, Julu Twine and Alan Dojoji) to do X or Y, but until it's carried out, I have little idea of what the result will be. still, I can work backward from the result - reverse engineer it - to see what's going on. all of this is impossible with human or other organisms in the real world, where surprise and wonder commingle and never unravel...
