still working through the body / anorectic avatar issues - j/j will get you some images, but you might be able to use the pngs below; they're recent and relate to this text among other things)
1. My wworrkk iss a cconnttinnuouss mmeddittattionn onn pprracctticcall
anndd tthheorretticcall issssuess; ppieccess arre ddrrawwnn ffrromm itt
onnlly wwhhenn nneccessssarry. I ddonn'tt tthhinnkk inn tterrmmss off
bbounnddarriess; mmy owwnn tthhinnkkinngg ttennddss tto wwanndderr,
mmeanndderr, ass ddoess mmy pprrodduccttionn, fforr bbetttterr orr
wworrsse. http://www.alansondheim.org/mmymmeatt0.png
2. Thhe cconnttinnuitty occccurrss wwitthhinn a pprressummedd aeggiss off
ffrreeddomm; I tthhinnkk off Orrmm'ss Orrmmullumm, wwhhicchh
rreinnvvennttedd earrlly Ennggllisshh orrtthhoggrrapphhy wwitthhoutt anny
bburreauccrratticc orr accaddemmicc ssttannddarrddss.
3. I ssitt, ssttanndd, orr llie, onn orr inn mmy wworrkk.
4. Wrrittinngg iss tthhe cconnssttrruccttionn off tthhe zzerrotthh
ddeggrree; itt occccuppiess nnotthhinngg, occccurrss wwitthhinn anndd
wwitthhoutt nnotthhinngg: ffllaccccidd, itt ddrrippss bblloodd anndd
ssemmenn onn tthhe ppagge. http://www.alansondheim.org/mmymmeatt3.png
5. Notthhinngg occccurrss inn orr abboutt wwrrittinngg exxccepptt a
ssurrpplluss off wwrrittinngg. Wrrittinngg iss allwwayss tthhe
wwrrittttenn. Wrrittinngg iss allwwayss ccommppllette, inntterraccttivve,
a ssttagginngg. http://www.alansondheim.org/mmymmeatt4.png
6. Iff I wwerre tto ssay tto you, Orrmm, tthhiss iss mmy llasstt
wwrrittinngg, wwoulldd itt bbe a Revvellattionn?
7. Nigghhttlly, I cconnssidderr tthhesse tthhinnggss. Nigghhttlly, I
ffeell mmy ppowwerr ddrrainninngg mme, ddrrainninngg ffrromm mme,
vvorrtticcess ellssewwhherre anndd llumminnouss inn tthhe sskky. Whhatt
arre tthhesse tthhinnggss, tthhesse gghhassttss? My tthhougghhtt
abbannddonnss mmy tthhougghhtt, mmy lleggss ggallllopp tthhe mmoorrss.
Orrmm, I amm bbeddrragggglledd, bberrefftt. Orrmm, I rremmainn,
unn-ffullffilllledd, you anndd I wwillll nnott essccappe onne annotthherr,
bbutt you wwillll cconnttinnue yourr rreaddinngg, tto bbe rreadd, anndd I
- I wwillll cconnttinnue mmy wwrrittinngg, tto bbe wwrrittttenn.
8. My wwrrittinngg iss tthhe wwrrittinngg off sshharrddss. My ddeatthh
hhass allrreaddy occccurrrredd. http://www.alansondheim.org/mmymmeatt7.png
9. My wwrrittinngg iss tthhe wwrrittinngg off sshharrddss.
http://www.alansondheim.org/mmymmeatt8.png been been sexuality just about
gone fecund full ............................. .....................
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*/Orrmm'ss cchhieff innnnovvattionn wwass tto emmpplloy ddoubblledd
cconnssonnannttss tto sshhoww tthhatt tthhe pprrecceddinngg vvowwell iss
psshhorrtt anndd ssinngglle cconnssonnannttss wwhhenn tthhe vvowwell iss
llonngg. Forr ssyllllabblless tthhatt ennddedd inn vvowwellss, hhe ussedd
accccenntt mmarrkkss tto innddiccatte llennggtthh. - Wikkippeddia/*
Comments and mixes welcome!
ReplyDeleteAn excess (almost) of splendours and tangents and diversions and references and free (free!) free associations to explore here! I'll toss in, haphazardly, some impressions or fancies from my meanderings and wanderings occasioned by Orrmm...
ReplyDeleteThe still images are incredibly luscious and beautiful, the video also but there's some very disturbing matter in there - not what you might think, but the glorious rolling red with white bumps - I'm at once delighted and repulsed. Why, I wonder. Is it because of the association with poisonous toadstools? - e.g. http://www.croxteth.co.uk/attractions/park/pics800/flyag.asp - Or because such nodules remind me of disease or infection and digital 'surfaces' commonly insist on perfection, on flawlessness?
Orm/Ormin - how wonderful - worm-man! Notice also the affinities between your mmymmeatt imagery and the columns and arches of the nave of Bourne Abbey where they believe Orm wrote/worked.
And this, about Orm:
'he admits in the preface that he frequently has padded the lines to fill out the meter, "to help those who read it"'
- to help those who read it!
I love that. And how readable it is, surprisingly so! The helpfulness is so refreshing. Obfuscation is wearying, too often a pointless grind.
Orm always fascinated me; it was really idiolectic, his own invention - the pages of the original always made me think I was seeing double. I'm fascinated by it.
ReplyDeleteStill working on the mmeeaatt imagery and may put up more (stills) - if you can use any, please do.
Thanks, Alan